Browsing the web can be frustrating enough at the best of times, but when your web browser crashes as soon as you open a page, it’s usually the cue for some colourful language.
At best, you’ll need to restart your browser and try again; at worst, you lose all your other open browser tabs. If you’re really unlucky, the crash will take Windows with it and you’ll need to restart your computer.
So what can you do when your web browser seems to struggle with a web page? Read on to find out.
Why does my game crash, freeze, or display a blank screen? Your computer's current graphics configuration may not be compatible with the game. Try downloading the latest video card driver for your system, installing some simple updates, or adjusting your graphics settings. Follow the steps in this article if your game is.
Prevention is better than cure. When a web page causes your browser to crash, it could just be that your browser can't cope with something on it because it's out of date, or has a bug that the web page triggers.
So make sure you’re using the most recent version of whichever web browser you favour.
Google Chrome: Select the Tools menu (the orange button with two white dots). Then Help – About Google Chrome. Chrome will then check for updates and download them, if available.
Internet Explorer: Run Windows Update and select the most recent version of the browser that’s available for your version of Windows — you’ll need to look in the Optional section for this.
Firefox: Select the Tools menu, press the Help icon and select About Firefox. Firefox will then check for updates and download them, if available.
Microsoft Edge: On Windows 10 updates to your browser are delivered automatically from Microsoft.
If the latest version of your favourite browser doesn’t fix a problem page, try opening it in a different one.
You can install as many web browsers as you like and they won’t interfere with each other. Just remember to untick the box for the Make this browser the default option when prompted, to avoid a new browser overriding your chosen one.
There are times when you just can't stop your web browser from crashing, but you can stop it from losing everything else you were looking at when it happens.
The latest versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox all have a built-in feature that can restore your open tabs in the event of a browser crash, or after you restart the application for any reason.
Depending on the browser, this may be automatic or you may be asked if you want to restore your last ‘browsing session’, but the result is the same in either case.
Internet Explorer
In Internet Explorer, select Reopen last browsing session from the Tools menu — you may need to press the [Alt] key on your keyboard to show the menu bar.
Google Chrome
In Google Chrome, open the Tools menu at the top-right and select History. Under Recently closed you’ll see a list of for the tabs from your last browser session — click to reopen any of them them.
If you want this option to be automatic, open the Tools menu at the top-right of its window and select Settings. Look for the On startup section and enable the Continue where you left off option.
In Firefox, click Restore Previous Session at the bottom-right of its window when you restart the browser.
If you want this option to be automatic, select Options from the Tools menu at the top-right of its window. Click the General tab on the dialog box that opens and then select Show my windows and tabs from last time from the When Firefox starts drop-down list.
Microsoft Edge
For those using Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, the only way you can currently reopen previous pages is by going to the history tab and opening them one by one.
Simply click the Hub icon shown below, followed by the History icon. You can look at pages you visited in the last hour, earlier today and beyond.
You can always choose for Edge to open where you left off if you prefer. To set this up, click the More menu in the top right and click Settings.
Under ‘Open Microsoft Edge with’ and select Previous pages.
Web browser plug-ins can also cause crashes and two common offenders are Adobe Flash and Oracle Java. Both are slowly in decline but still very visible across the web, so it’s important to keep them update. To find out more about the end of Adobe Flash, click here.
For Adobe Flash with Internet Explorer and Firefox, go to the Adobe Flash Player download page, untick the box for the free McAfee Security Scan Plus offer or option to install Google Chrome and click the Install now button. You’ll then need to download and run the Flash installer.
If you’re using Google Chrome and/or Windows 8, or Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, Adobe Flash is built-in and all updates are automatic.
Java runs independently to all web browsers, so whichever browser you use, open the Start menu and select Java > Check for Updates. If you don’t see a Java folder, you don’t have it installed and so you don’t need to worry about updating.
When the Java Control Panel dialog box opens, make sure the Check for updates automatically button is ticked and then click the Update Now button.
If all else fails and a web page won’t work properly in any browser, all you can do is report it to whoever is responsible for the site. Most web sites have a ‘Contact us’, ‘Feedback ‘or ‘Report a problem’ link, usually squirreled away at the bottom of the page.
There’s no guarantee that your complaint will be dealt with promptly, or at all, but most web site owners are usually grateful to hear about problems.
If you just get a ‘page not found’ error when browsing the web, or a web page won’t open at all, there are a couple of things you can try.
If you try to open a page that doesn’t exist and get a ‘404’ error as a result, it usually means there’s an error in the web address you typed or in the linked you clicked, or that the site has removed or renamed the page.
The easiest solution here is to simply search for the name of the page together with the name of the site it appears on — “what to do if your PC is infected by malware”, for example. Google is usually great at tracking down ‘lost’ pages.
If you can’t open a page and you’re not sure where the problem is, copy and paste its web address into the box at This no-frills service will tell you if the site is working and it’s just you that can’t see it, or if it’s unavailable for everyone.
Ubisoft+ only charges you once a month for your monthly subscription, but you might be seeing multiple charges for reasons described below. When you sign up for Ubisoft+, we send an authorisation request to your financial institution to ensure the payment method is valid (as in, has a valid number, and has not been reported lost or stolen). This request appears as an authorisation for roughly the same amount as your subscription. It is an important step to protect our customers. While this request is processed, the funds are not transferred to Ubisoft, but put on hold. This temporary hold is cancelled daily by Ubisoft, though it may take more time for your financial institution to release the funds back to you. They will be able to give you more information about authorisation holds policy. In some specific situations (such as if the initial payment fails to complete due to insufficient funds) our system will automatically attempt to take the payment again over the course of a week. As mentioned previously, we cancel each temporary hold on a daily basis, though you may find that the previously unsuccessful payments still appear on your account. You may see up to multiple charges while your payment is being processed, but any funds held during this period will be returned to you. I was using payment method A and I've changed it to payment method B while my subscription is active. • Your payment method will be immediately changed and effective. The payment method B will be used for next billing periods (including the current one).When you change your payment method, an authorisation for 0.01$ is done on this new payment method in order to validate it. • There will be no charge for the new billing period on payment method A and you can remove it from your account. I have multiple payments on my account but I cannot access the service! • This could happen if the service has been suspended. These charges are payments that cannot be processed, meaning that your payment for this month cannot be taken. For more information, please have a look at our Suspended Ubisoft+ subscription article. If you have any concerns over a charge, please don't hesitate to let us know!
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